Saturday, February 27, 2016

Things to Talk About With a Guy: Breaking The Ice

 First time conversations with a guy can be really nerve-racking. One tends to become nervous and confused which eventually leads to nothing but super embarrassing awkward conversations. This might be even more nerve racking if the guy they are talking to happens to be a crush.

So how does one conquer a decent conversation with a guy (who is a special love interest) without sounding dumb or silly? The answer is very simple: use conversational topics. Conversational topics increase the chances for thriving tête-à-têtes. Here are some conversational topics that will certainly help to gear up conversations:

Interests and hobbies: One can try to get to know about the guys interests and hobbies like what types of movies does he like to watch, what type of books does he read, whether he likes writing or not.  Asking about hobbies and interests makes the environment more conducive and light. One should try to keep the conversation spontaneous.

Favorite sport: Asking a guy about his interest in sports might sound cliché but trust me it works 99 percent of time!! Majority of guys are into sports. So sports can be perfect conversation topic. One can simply start by asking a guy whether he likes sports or not and if he does, then what type of sport is he into. If he says he is into football, one can prolonged that conversation by just simply asking him about his favorite team, player etc.

Favorite music: It is said that music helps to connect hearts. Therefore one can try to get to know about the guys preference in music i.e. what type of music does he usually listen to like punk rock, classic rock, electro, death metal, Indie and so on , which singers are his favorites etc.

Future plans: As the conversation continues, one can also ask a guy about his future plans such as what he dreams about becoming, where does he see himself in the next few years etc but one needs to be very cautious while framing questions about future plans. One should always be careful about not crossing the line of sounding nosey.

Life experience: In general guys like sharing (bragging) stories of adventures  and dares that they have experienced. Thus it is perfect to ask a guy about his adventurous experience. One can also query about the most memorable incident in his life which he cherishes.


Conversations are important if one wants to build up a good relationship. The key to a good conversation depends on the flow. One should never stop amid of a conversation and always try to look out for points that might attract the guy’s interests.

One should not keep blabbing on about things that does not seems interesting to the guy. One should always try to act all comfortable and relaxed around a guy so that they feel free to talk to them. And last but not the least one should try to be a very good listener.

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